Religion what does religion really mean? It may seen shocking to people if you would tell them that the word "religion" is only mentioned in the bible seven times. In six of the seven times it is mentioned it is in a bad manner. When people say that they are a very religious person or that they belong to a certain congregation that is based on religion they think that is a good thing. We tend to think that being religious is good but in Gods word this is not so.
The only verse that the word religion is mentioned in a good way is James 1:27 Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.
Religion and having a personal relationship with Christ are in two different ball parks. See religion says we must do something in order for us as man to get into heaven. But Jesus in John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him. You’ve even seen him!”
Since Adam and Eve sinned and was kicked out of the garden man has been trying to build his way to heaven, and in trying to building it we came up with this idea we have to earn it in some manner. But there is nothing that we can do as man to earn our way into heaven. Man has overlaid religion with certain ideas, beliefs, intuition and laws with the body of Christ. With requirement's which have become who we are as believers and has cause some to become disgust and loathing to other believers that are more free and loving.
Now with all that said I'm not trying to sound like we don't have to do stuff in to show God love. But what I am saying is that we cannot establish a relationship with Christ based on the works we do. I believe in that in order for us to get into heaven not only do we have to express love for others but we also have to express an intimate and deep relationship with Christ. When we get the understanding of who saved us and died on a tree in order for us to be in right standing with God. We need to kick of religion and be able to enter into God's presence and have a meaningful and deep relationship with him because in order to do God's will we must know what his will is first. How are we ever going to know how to express love, the love that God shows us when he sent Jesus if we don't know his love. All of us can go through life saying were religious and that we go to church every Sunday and that we stand up and we worship and we know his word. But how will we truly know God if were not willing to take the time and sit in his presence and let him speak to her heart.
If we are truly practicing religion ask yourself these questions does it go beyond the walls of your church building or your home, does it go beyond the printed pages of your Bible into soup kitchens and into the streets. Does it go beyond superficial hearing of the words do you truly plug yourself into the word every day it is a practical religion to being able to do what Christ did. Does it consist of more than just going to church reading and praying does it reach out and manifest itself in compassion to those in need. Your personal religion, is it going beyond what we may do including other personal involvement apart from what others may do. Practicing religion is involving are intentional cleansing from sin by the blood of Christ. Its include putting away of sins with the help of God so that we may be unspotted by the world if not then whatever religion we have is useless and we are simply deceiving ourselves.
Jesus said that many would fall to keep their word of God for keeping the traditions of man. Jesus said I desire mercy not sacrifice love and relationship not religion. Jesus is the last sacrificial lamb. The Jews knew that the Messiah would be God because of Isaiah 9:6
to us a son is given,and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
so when Jesus told them before Abraham I Am they knew he was claiming to be the Messiah an equal with God but they were caught up in the religion and not the truth of their own long study text. There is no tradition that we are in right standing but only faith love and relationship with god. The Bible is pure and stand alone as the Word of God.
A lot of pastors and a lot of other people may get offended by this post but my mission in life is to the spread the news that God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. like it says in John 3:17. But a lot of pastors with reading post in researching this they believe that religion is the core part of what it is to be a Christian. In fact religion only plays a small role in what it is to be a Christians. Maybe it's because I'm young and maybe it's because I see my generation slowly becoming drawn to the way of the world do to hypocritical Christians that think you have to dress a certain way and think you have to talk a certain way. In fact all God wants is your love and the fact that he wants you to do what Jesus did.
Luke 9:23 The Message

Luke 9:23 NIV
Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.
Jesus asked for us to pick up our cross and follow after him he didn't say to go to church every Sunday. That's not what he said he said pick up my cross and follow after me. We are not the driver of our own life's but we are the passenger. I don't understand how people don't get the concept and to look at Jesus's life Jesus did things that offended people because he's soul mission in life was to free the bound and heal the brokenhearted and to be that light in so much darkness and it says that what is the use of a lamp if you hide it and put it under something.
Matthew 5:12 The Message

If we truly got this concept of what it meant to be a Christian the world would be under a revolution not a revival. But a revolution of people standing up and taking their place as Christians to see no more heartache and no more despair and sickness. God has called us not to be a people of oppression but to be a people free from it.
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