Freedom Conference Recap.....
Wow what can be said about the freedom conference 2013. It may have not been hundreds upon hundreds of people there, but God did show up. With all the stress, nights without sleep, planning and praying payed off, for the Kingdom. The glory rolled in, and the spirit of the Lord was swept through out. It was truly an amazing two days soaking in the presence of God.
Day one
Day one started pretty crazy at least for me. Got up at 10 to make sure that i was looking fresh and clean to go and pick up Andrew Peters for the airport, only to get a call from Daniel telling me that he made a mistake about Andrews arrival time....opps. So i was blessed with more time to get ready praise Jesus. Instead of picking up Andrew i picking up Corey Asbury and Caleb Culver. Madison went with me it was an awesome time to talk to such and amazing young lady and spent time with her. Needless to say she was star stuck by the whole experience to pick up Corey and Caleb lol.
After Getting lost at the airport we eventually able to be on our way to the river. It was such an honor to be able to serve by picking up Corey and Caleb at the airport. But I don't think I was in store for what God was truly going to do that night. I know for Corey and his team the night started out pretty bad with the monitors giving them trouble but they overcame and the sound started working properly. They were able to usher us into the very throne room and the presence of God. Afterwards Andrew Peters brought forth the word not only was Andrew Peters spot on for the word that the region needed to hear, (most likely not what we wanted to hear but we needed to hear) not only that but he pushed us to pray for our region and in that I found myself not only overcome with compassion and overcome with love for this region but the people that are lost in it. I fell on my face and begin to pray and in that prayer I got so caught up in the presence of God that He begin to reveal things to me. He reveal that breakthrough is here it is only upon us whether we're going to take that breakthrough and press through it. It may seem dark now and may seem gloomy but God is ready and waiting for us the people in this region to step up and begin to clear that darkness away with the light that we possess inside of us. Needless to say I was ready!
Day Two
Day two started off really rocky for me after only getting 3 hours of sleep and not even being able to get ready hat my house, I was feeling really really stressed out and really overwhelmed at that point. After we got to the river it was almost as if the presence of God still remain there from the night before. As soon as i walked through the doors I felt this relaxing feeling of just rest. I straighten my hair that morning in the sanctuary and then begin to help everyone on the freedom conference worship team with sound at least until somebody that knew what they were doing with that system got there. In the morning worship was amazing it was if nobody has ever left from the night before. After worship we had breakout sessions with Pastor Jeff Smith and Nate Fabian from Victory. With great persuasion Bethany convince me to go to Nate's breakout session so I did. Nate talk about the DNA of Faith and that everything that God has given us is inside of us but it is up to us to bring out what is inside of us. That we can pray for things but if we already have them inside of us we just need to bring it out. Also that God is not going to give us something that's going to intern hurt us so we need to continue to pray and seek and grow so were able to fully filled the will that God has for us.

After that we had a little bit of a break which was nice I was planning on sleeping but it never happened which was very disappointing. After the break Mason Angelo brought forth the word which was good he talked about freedom and what true freedom what's the got me thinking that do we all really know how to truly be free in order for us to be called true faithful believers. We can't Harbor our sins in our hearts and hide them from God because God sees our hearts we have to forget them and give them to God. To harbor our sins we deny the Holy Spirit access to our heart. And then I'll begin thinking more of what does it really mean to be a real faithful believer and one verses that I found was in Ephesians 1:13.
It’s in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free—signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. This signet from God is the first installment on what’s coming, a reminder that we’ll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life.
So as true believers we are signed, sealed, and delivered we need to stop seeking after Worldly desires and start truly seeking the righteousness of God because we need to stop following and being led by our emotions and stop doing what pleases us rather having faith in the Word of God and being led and obedient to the will of God.
Then once again we have another break and I was hoping to sleep again but it just didn't happen and i was greatly disappointed about. After a great time in worship Andrew Peters once again brought forth a word which was a very good. He was truly a blessing that weekend and an awesome man of God. Then there was a altar call and Andrew was talking about people that have felt oppression and depressed. Suddenly i felt this overwhelming feeling and all the times that I've felt rejected, not needed and that I haven't really known with the full purpose of my calling was.
I always knew that I was supposed to be some type of Prayer person but after so many times me feeling like people didn't acknowledge that I just felt hopeless. Then God reminded me of my desire, which was to start a movement like none other where people fall on their faces in desperation to see God's face and he's warm embrace. This conference was the beginning of that it may have not been my vision but I am a part of that vision in some way. So I went up for prayer after a great word that God had given Lanita to give I was overwhelmed with the love from God that he has heard my prayers. That he knows the desires of my heart and that when I praise him it's from my heart and it's not just to be seen or have a good time but to truly enter into his presence. And then Andrew Peters basically confirm my calling is intercessory prayer and sometimes I often wondered why I felt so attacked in beaten down when I knew who the King of King's is and the Lord of Lord's. And in that moment my morning was over and my heart danced at the sound just the sound of his great name. Then i fully understood the word I had spoke a couple months ago at New Life Psalms 30:11
You did it: you changed wild lament
into whirling dance;
You ripped off my black mourning band
and decked me with wildflowers.
I’m about to burst with song;
I can’t keep quiet about you.
God, my God,
I can’t thank you enough.
God has taking our shame, guilt and sorrow and replace it with the piestly garment and I had truly understood what that meant now. That if we're not careful we can allow the devil to point to what we have not accomplished and where we are weak. Its easy to feel bad and just want to give up and that's not the way of the Spirit no matter how much we mess up no matter how many times we feel that. God never gives up on us the spirit is constantly nudging us to continue in go. We cannot allow our thoughts to dwell on what we think we should be, if we focus on what we're not or what we have not accomplished we can find our faith slowly fading.
Isaiah 43:1-4
But now, God’s Message,
the God who made you in the first place, Jacob,
the One who got you started, Israel:
“Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you.
I’ve called your name. You’re mine.
When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.
When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.
When you’re between a rock and a hard place,
it won’t be a dead end—
Because I am God, your personal God,
The Holy of Israel, your Savior.
I paid a huge price for you:
all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!
That’s how much you mean to me!
That’s how much I love you!
I’d sell off the whole world to get you back,
trade the creation just for you.
God doesn't promise to completely get rid of our troubles and hardships but he does promise to be with us on the journey through them. Despite our failures he is with us encouraging us not to give up and to remember that with his help we can win.
I never thought that this conference could truly change me, I went into it not expecting very much but after the first night God raised my expectation level. I truly believe that my purpose on earth is not to always get caught up in what other people are doing our why am I not in that position what i feel i should be. If I continually to seek after him no matter what battles I may face, God hears my prayers and he's faithful and that he is just and that when I give him everything inside of me him he rewards me greatly.
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